Friday, September 26, 2008

In The Storm's Wake

Elizabeth City Visitor's Center

Well, the storm has passed. It was remarkable yesterday morning. I was listenting to the local radio news. The storm was causing havoc in Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Hampton. There were accidents, flooding, downed trees, power outages and school closings. However, down where we were in the Dismal Swamp Canal everything was tranquil. It made one want to say, "What storm?" It was so still that the surface of the canal still looked like a reflecting pool even though the wind roared a hundred or so feet above our heads.

Yesterday, Libby made molasses cookies for the nice ladies up at the NC Welcome Center. They have been so friendly and so hospitible, that was the least we could do.

Last night we had a Balderdash Tournoment among the 5 boats that had holed up at the welcome center for the past three days. Everybody screamed and laughed and had a good time even though the others never heard of the game before. Balderdash really is an outstanding game.

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