Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tedious Work

Vero Beach Public Library

Libby and I have been working on a computer project. We are converting our blog archive in to a format suitable for book publishing.

It turned out to be much more work and more tedious work than I expected. In fact, I expected to find an automated tool to do it for me. No such luck. There are numerous tools, but for unexplained reasons, none of them work with

Therefore, there are a lot of manual edits we have to do to format post headers, and to place pictures on the page. I also have to get rid of a lot of sins that don't matter in web blogs but do in a book. For example, in a lot of posts I have a hard return at the end of each line rather than just at paragraph breaks. I wrote macros to change those.

Another thing is that typos, wrong words and incomplete sentences might be acceptable in the infomal diary style of a blog, but aren't OK in a book.

I've been working 4 days straight on this project and I'm only 1/3 finished. Today, Libby worked with me. She proof reads and catches things that I didn't.

After we're done with formatting, we'll choose a publish on demand vendor and go from there.

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