Monday, November 05, 2012

Vanishing Point Navigation

Zebulon, NC

A blog reader once asked me to write a post about navigation. It would be a challenge at times if we didn't have our GPS chartplotter to help. But many other times, it is as just plain easy.

The easiest of all kinds of navigation is what I call vanishing point navigation. On a narrow canal, such as The Great Dismal Swamp Canal, what you see in front of you looks like a student artist's lesson in vanishing point perspective. Navigate? Just point the bow at the vanishing point. No GPS, no paper charts, no red/green buoys needed.  This picture is from last spring when we were heading north.

The serenity and peacefulness of scenes like that are hard to convey.  It is true that we love the sea, but it is more true that we love inland cruising, especially rivers and canals.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Dick. I love rivers, canals, and the ICW. Ocean sailing, or in my case now, motoring, is boring to me. Give me scenery any day.


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