We have been to a lot of places and seen a lot of things this year. Libby and I sat down with our thousands of pictures from 2008 and picked 36 as our favorites. Here they are in random order. Captions describe left-to-right, top-to-bottom. Happy New Year.

- Son John attempts the illusion
- Super hero Libby on a Bahamian beach
- Rose Buddies monument in Elizabeth City
- Dick caught napping in the Smithsonian
- One of Mel Fisher's treasure artifact in Sebastian Florida
- At the fish market in Washington DC
- The King of Bhutan
- Libby and daughter Jenny in the American Art Museum
- Rub a dub dub three men in a tub; John, father in law Dick, and Dick -- Rockland Harbor Maine.
- The year's best picture -- Libby and Dick take lunch in Key West
- The year's best sunset -- Block Island, RI
- The Butterfly Conservatory -- Key West.
- Dick's nightly ritual blowing the conch horn at sunset
- Lovingly quaint house and garden in Hopetown Bahamas
- A beach on Ocracoke Island North Carolina.
- Albert Einstein paternal figure Washington DC
- Dick's encounter with Hillary Clinton -- National Building Museum, Washington DC
- The shell warehouse, Key West
- Jenny tries the illusion.
- Libby and sister Nancy thrill with speed -- Buzzards Bay, MA
- A classical family pose, The National Mall, DC
- Tarwathie under sail, Narraganset Bay, RI
- Four Osprey occupy a buoy, LaTrappe Creek, Maryland
- A wonderful garden, Hopetown Bahamas
- Fog rolls in, Isle La Haut, Maine
- Libby gets the guided tour, Cambridge, Maryland
- A dolphin loafs, Abacos Bahamas

- Dick writes a blog, Belfast Maine
- Bayside Maine
- The yacht club we belong to, Bayside Maine
- A apropos sign, Beaufort, South Carolina
- Grandson Nick, Jewel Island Maine
- At the fish market, Washington DC
- Pure beauty, location unknown
- Nick surveys the heights, Acadia National Park, Maine
- New Providence Cemetary, Bahamas, graves are sunken to prevent flowers from blowing away.