We just had a great family weekend. But now it's time to look ahead to our next trip.
Consultations with my friend Walt, plus a bit of Internet research, discouraged me from trying the PNW as the right place to view the eclipse. We want a place free from the horror scenes of too many people. We decided on Nebaraka, far from any city.
Readers know that trip planning is not our custom. Libby and I mostly like to just follow our noses and see where that brings us. But in this case, we need to be a specific place on a specific day. Therefore, I broke tradition and laid out a plan. Burlington, Rome, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentycky, Missouri, Kansas to Nebraska.
After the eclipse, we'll may follow-on plans to go west, but then guided by weather and wild fires.
Life is better when you have no plans, but a few exceptions like this are OK.