Thursday, October 02, 2008

All For Us?

Albemarle Sound
N 35 57.944 W 075 48.389

As a write this, there is a stunningly beautiful sunset sky. We see Jupiter, a sliver of a waxing moon, Venus the red sky and the tree tops of the cypress swamps all in close proximity. Wow.

Once again we are reminded of how lucky we are. All day today we sailed down Albemarle Sound while seeing only one or two other vessels. We pretty much have the whole place to ourselves. The Albemarle is about 5x40 miles in size which makes it very big. Still, we are almost alone out here. It was the same way sailing up the sound two days ago.

Tonight we're being very bold. We are anchored near the shore but in an exposed place with no shelter. The weather report promises that we won't have much wind for the next few days, so we are emboldened. It is generally a bad policy to anchor in exposed places and we regretted doing it last spring on the Chesapeake. However, darkness outraced us to the sheltered anchorage tonight. We are in shallow waters that are sometimes chris crossed with gill nets that are not lit, so it would not be
good to sail at night.

We have one more thing to look forward to tonight -- the Biden Palin debate. It sounds like it may attract a huge audience. We'll be among the radio audience.

1 comment:

  1. I think Sarah did herself proud. She stood toe-to-toe with Biden.

    The comments on same-sex benefits were somewhat astounding, given that there is footage of her out there participating in a "PRAY AWAY THE GAYS" crusade. Something is non-sequitur there. Perhaps being in the national spotlight forces people towards center?


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